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Information about EGM complaints handling procedure
In the event that you have a complaint about the services provided by EGM, you should in first instance discuss with your usual EGM representative.
If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint is dealt with by your usual EGM representative or you wish to escalate any particular issue, you should contact our Compliance Department either by post or by email, specifying “COMPLAINT” as the subject:
- By email: compliance-ethics-privacy.gem@engie.com
- By post:
- In France: EGM, Compliance Department, 1, place Samuel de Champlain, 92400 Courbevoie , France.
- In Belgium: EGM Belgium branch, Compliance Department, 34, Boulevard Simon Bolivar 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
- In Italy: EGM Italian branch, Compliance Department, Viale Avignone 12, 00144 Roma, Italy.
Our complaints procedure will follow the requirements of applicable laws. It guarantees the respect of the imposed delays, namely:
- An acknowledgment of receipt of your complaint within 10 business days.
- A response to your complaint within 2 months.
All complaint submissions are free of charge. Further information can be obtained upon request.
However, if the response provided by EGM is not completely satisfactory or the delays have not been respected, you may file a complaint, free of charge, with the following Mediators or National Competent Authorities:
The Autorité des Marchés Financiers Mediator (AMF Mediator)
- By mail: AMF Mediator - 17, place de la Bourse, 75082 PARIS CEDEX 02
- By filling in an electronic form on the website: https://www.amf-france.org/fr/le-mediateur
(The charters and protocols of the AMF Mediator are available on the regulator’s website, under the section “The AMF Ombudsman”).
The Financial Services and Market Authority (FSMA)
- By mail: FSMA - Rue du Congrès, 12-14 - 1000 Brussels
- By phone: Tel.: +32 2 220 52 11
- By E-mail: info@fsma.be
- Website: fsma.be
- By mail: CONSOB - Divisione Tutela del Consumatore, Ufficio Consumer Protection, Via G.B. Martini, 3 - 00198 Roma;
- By mail: CONSOB - Divisione Tutela del Consumatore, Ufficio Consumer Protection, Via Broletto, 7 - 20121 Milano
- By e-mail : consob@pec.consob.it
- By filling in an electronic form on the website: https://adempimenti.consob.it/Esposti-web/
CNMV - Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores
- Submit a complaint by telematic tools, through the CNMV Virtual Office, using either their digital certificate or digital DNI (national identity document), or their username and password (CNMV website: https://www.cnmv.es/portal/inversor/reclamaciones.aspx?lang=en)
- By form addressed to: Complaints Service: C/ Edison, 4, 28006 Madrid – C/ Bolivia 56, (4 ª Planta) 08018 Barcelona (https://www.cnmv.es/portal/inversor/reclamaciones.aspx?lang=en)